At Swire Renewable Energy, we are committed to acting fairly, professionally and with integrity. Our reputation for fair dealing, integrity and doing the right thing depends on the highest standards, and complying with our code of ethics is vital in achieving this.
The reputation for honesty and fair dealing, which we have gained over the last 40+ years, is something we are incredibly proud of. Our code of ethics states our position on a range of important topics including:
- Bribery and corruption (aligned with the UK Bribery Act 2010)
- Procurement principles
- Facilitation payments
- Gifts, hospitality and expenses
- Political and charitable donations
- Competition and anti-trust
- Business and personal relationships
- Respect in the workplace
- Use of IT and information compliant with GDPR
Our code applies to staff at all levels within the organisation across the globe, as well as to our business partners and agents. At its heart, it showcases our commitment to uphold laws relevant to countering bribery and corruption in all jurisdictions in which we operate, and prohibits the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any financial or other advantage in order to influence other people, whether directly or indirectly.
It also reiterates our zero-tolerance approach to bribery and provides a clear reporting line for any suspicions. In addition, it contains guidance on areas such as facilitation payments, gifts and hospitality, charitable donations, the appointment of agents and intermediaries and our relationship with business partners and suppliers.
Our workforce is continually trained on this code of ethics, and a range of other measures have been implemented to ensure our personnel comply with the code at all times.
Swire Renewable Energy is committed to the highest standards of business ethics, conducting all our businesses with integrity and fairness and committing to:
- Complying with all applicable local, national and cross border laws and regulations in each of the countries jurisdictions in which we operate;
- Striving to make Swire Renewable Energy an enjoyable and rewarding place to work;
- Providing high quality products and services;
- Maintaining the highest standards of professionalism, business ethics, and corporate governance;
- Ensuring the safety of our employees, customers, suppliers, business associates and all others who come into contact with the business;
- Meeting the highest standards in discharging our corporate social responsibilities;
- Behaving with courtesy and respect to everyone we encounter;
- Meeting both ethical and legal standards in relation to the privacy and confidentiality of personal and business information;
- Promoting the application of this code in all dealings, and to give preference in business dealings to those who adhere to similar business ethics.