
Our target is to be carbon neutral by 2030

Sustainable Development Policy


Swire Renewable Energy recognises that to mitigate damaging environmental impact, the world needs to act swiftly and decisively – and we play an important part in the global transition towards a sustainable future.

Acting on climate change is our biggest contribution to society and leads us to our target of reaching Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050 or sooner.


  • Reduce our carbon footprint
  • Turn today’s waste into a resource for tomorrow
  • Use water responsibly and sustainably
  • Protect biodiversity under our influence
  • Source materials responsibly and sustainably
  • Promote equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion
  • Engage with stakeholders and anchor sustainable development across our value chains, own operations, and in the community
  • Promote affordable, reliable, and renewable energy assets that bring value to the communities in which we operate
  • Support the transition towards greener operations of offshore and maritime services
  • Monitor the company’s performance and report regularly

Decarbonisation Strategy

At the top of our agenda is to reduce our impact on climate change, decarbonise our business, and build climate resilience. It is anchored in our overall approach to sustainability and a key area of our sustainability strategy and related targets. Our ESG policies additionally accelerate the climate change agenda and frames disciplines of decarbonisation across business activities.

Although our services contribute to a more sustainable future, we need to continuously drive down our carbon footprint. We support the Paris Agreement and commit to limit global warming to 1.5°C with our target of reaching Net Zero by 2050 or sooner for our carbon emissions.


Swire Renewable Energy’ Sustainable Development strategy is fully aligned with the Swire Group's SwireTHRIVE strategic framework and covers other areas which are material to our own Company.

Wheel full

Group Sustainability Manager